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Low Testosterone? How to naturally improve levels for healthy aging.

Testosterone levels have taken a sharp decline among young men over the past few decades. Here’s why we need to address underlying drivers and look to the liver for support.

Testosterone is crucial for muscle mass, bone density, libido, erectile function, fat distribution and reproductive function, particularly for males. Testosterone levels have been steadily declining over the past few decades in ways that can’t be attributed solely to the aging process. Our modern day diet, lifestyle and environment is proving to have a detrimental impact on male fertility and hormone levels in a profound way.

The good news is, most of the factors causing low testosterone (diet, stress, sleep) are modifiable!

Before you go hunting for hormone replacement therapy, you want to consider the key drivers of low testosterone.

Dietary factors influencing testosterone levels

  • Calories: under eating has been correlated with low testosterone levels in men of a healthy weight. This effect was not noticed in obese individuals.

  • Zinc: deficiency is associated with low testosterone levels. This is thought to be due to its role in the synthesis of hormones LH and FSH, which stimulate testosterone production. The best sources of zinc are animal products like meat (especially lamb), oysters and liver. It is found in small amounts in pumpkin seeds and nuts.

  • Magnesium: low levels of magnesium have been associated with reduced testosterone levels, thought to be due to its role in modulating stress hormone levels (cortisol). Magnesium rich foods include nuts & seeds, banana, dark chocolate (85% cocoa) and whole grains.

  • Vitamin D: correction of vitamin D deficiency has been shown to improve testosterone levels. It’s important to monitor your vitamin D levels and remember that our requirements go up during the winter months.

  • Alcohol: excessive alcohol consumption is associated with reduced serum testosterone levels. There are multiple mechanisms by which this occurs, including increased inflammation and oxidative stress.

  • Ketogenic diet: this high fat/low carbohydrate style diet has been shown to help increase testosterone levels. The mechanism is still unclear but it may be due to the regulation of blood sugar and improved insulin sensitivity. Chronically elevated blood glucose levels have been associated with lower testosterone levels.

Lifestyle Strategies

  • Adequate sleep: just one night of inadequate sleep (5 hours) has been shown to reduce testosterone levels by 10-15%

  • Weight management: excessive body fat can lead to increased levels of stress hormone (cortisol), which has the effect of inhibiting testosterone secretion from the testes.

  • Physical Activity: strength training in particular has been shown to help increase testosterone, especially exercises that target the lower limbs. HIIT training and moderate aerobic exercise also help support testosterone while excessive endurance exercise has been associated with lower testosterone levels. More gently forms of movement like yoga and walking also prove beneficial by helping to manage stress.

  • Stress reduction: additionally, severe and chronic stress will deplete testosterone levels due to the inhibitory effect of cortisol on testosterone secretion.

  • Avoid Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs): these are chemicals like Bisphenol A (BPA), Phthalates and Parabens found in plastics, food containers, and personal care products can negatively impact testosterone production and may increase the conversion of testosterone into oestrogen.

Can herbal medicine help boost testosterone?

Yes! We have a variety of herbs we use to support the production and maintenance of healthy testosterone levels. Some of our commonly used herbs include:

  • Withania (Ashwaganda): this adaptogen can help boost testosterone and improve resilience to stress

  • Tribulus: our go-to for enhancing libido and boosting testosterone

  • Panax ginseng: an all-around tonic that has also been shown to increase testosterone and improve fertility

Final thoughts

Testosterone is crucial for health and longevity and supports an overall quality of life. Healthy lifestyle habits like sleep, exercise and proper nutrition can help mitigate the natural decline in testosterone that occurs with age.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.