Metabolic Reset Explained

There is a lot of talk out there about ways to “boost” or “reset” your metabolism, but what does this actually mean? When talking about metabolism we are describing all the processes that occur within our body that regulate energy production, blood sugar levels, hormonal balance and weight management. Unfortunately, our metabolism can be disrupted by things like chronic stress, poor dietary choices, nutrients deficiencies, environmental toxins and lack of physical activity. This resulting “metabolic dysfunction” can lead a variety of health issues including:

1.      Weight gain or difficulty losing weight

2.      Persistent fatigue

3.      Mood disturbances like depression and anxiety

4.      Poor sleep

5.      Hormonal imbalances

6.      Food cravings and increased appetite

7.      Brain fog and difficulty concentrating

The aim of a “metabolic reset” is to remove the aggravating factors while also providing the body with the nutrients, lifestyle strategies and supplements to get your metabolism functioning optimally again.

Key strategies for improving metabolic health:

1.      Proper nutrition, including balanced ratios of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats, along with an abundance of micronutrients to support energy production

2.      Stress management, through lifestyle strategies and/or nutritional and herbal medicines to improve resilience, reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm

3.      Digestive support to improve nutrient breakdown and absorption

4.      Physical activity aimed at supporting muscle mass and heart health

5.      Herbal and Nutritional Supplements to correct imbalances and restore hormonal balance

Changes you may experience with the proper metabolic support include:

1.      Increased energy

2.      Release of stubborn weight

3.      Clearer skin

4.      Improved digestion

5.      Better mood

6.      Reduce food cravings


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