Comprehensive Digestive Naturopath Services at WHealth Naturopathy

Welcome to WHealth Naturopathy. My name is Ashleigh, and as a passionate digestive naturopath and nutritionist based in Melbourne, I understand the complexities of maintaining optimal digestive health. My approach integrates time-honoured naturopathic methods with the latest scientific findings to enhance your digestive wellness.

Your experience begins with an in-depth evaluation, allowing us to build a rapport while I gain insights into your digestive health history and challenges. This initial consultation is crucial for identifying any underlying conditions affecting your digestive system, setting the stage for a personalised care plan designed specifically for your needs.

Embracing natural therapies such as nutritional counselling, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes, I work diligently with my clients to tackle digestive issues at their core. As a dedicated digestive naturopath in Melbourne, my primary aim is to ensure these interventions are not only beneficial but also perfectly suited to your body’s individual requirements and your personal health objectives.

Naturopathy can potentially help alleviate some of these common digestive issues

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

This is a common disorder that affects the large intestine, causing symptoms like cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. Naturopathic treatments may include dietary changes, herbal remedies, and stress management techniques.


Also known as dyspepsia, indigestion can cause discomfort in your upper abdomen, often after eating. Naturopaths might recommend dietary adjustments, herbal supplements, and techniques to improve digestion.

Heartburn and GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

These conditions involve stomach acid flowing back into the oesophagus, causing discomfort and potential damage. Naturopathy may focus on dietary changes, weight management, and natural remedies like ginger or chamomile.


This condition involves infrequent bowel movements or difficult passage of stools. Naturopathic approaches could include increased fibre intake, adequate hydration, and exercise to stimulate bowel activity.


Frequent loose or watery bowel movements can be addressed with changes in diet, as well as supplementation with probiotics and specific herbs that can help stabilise bowel movements.

Food Intolerances and Allergies

These issues can cause a variety of symptoms, including digestive discomfort. Naturopaths often employ elimination diets and other strategies to identify and manage food sensitivities.

Bloating and Gas

These symptoms can be uncomfortable and disruptive. Naturopathic treatments might involve dietary changes to avoid trigger foods, as well as the use of digestive enzymes or probiotics to improve gut health.

Candida Overgrowth

This yeast infection in the gut can lead to a range of symptoms, including fatigue, digestive upset, and more. Naturopathy may include antifungal diets or herbs, alongside probiotics to restore healthy gut flora.

Your trusted digestive naturopath in Melbourne

From general digestive wellness to addressing specific conditions like IBS, bloating, or indigestion, my practice is grounded in an evidence-based approach to holistic naturopathy. I keep up to date with the latest digestive health research and case studies, ensuring that I can offer the most effective care possible – be it for digestive issues, fertility issues, or general men’s health/women’s health.

Beyond individual consultations, you’ll also have the opportunity to participate in workshops and seminars focusing on digestive health. These educational sessions are designed to empower you with knowledge about maintaining and enhancing your digestive health naturally.

And finally, I value a collaborative approach and am always ready to work alongside other health care professionals you might be consulting. This multidisciplinary strategy ensures comprehensive care, addressing all facets of your health and significantly improving your digestive wellbeing.

Start your digestive health journey with WHealth Naturopathy

Begin your journey towards improved digestive health with the supportive guidance of WHealth Naturopathy by booking your initial consultation today. Whether you’re dealing with chronic digestive issues or seeking to improve your overall digestive health, I am here to support and guide you every step of the way. Discover how together, we can optimise your digestive function and enhance your quality of life through natural and holistic methods.