Our Services

Initial Consultation

60 mins


Here’s what to expect in your first consult:

Your Health Goals:

  • You’ll share what’s bothering you the most and what you hope to achieve. Whether it’s improving digestion, boosting energy levels, correcting metabolic imbalances or clearing up acne-prone skin, we’re here to help.

Your Health Story:

  • We’ll dive into your unique medical history, chatting about past and present conditions, surgeries, allergies, and everything you’re currently taking, from medications to supplements.

  • We’ll look at your lifestyle and environment. Are you getting enough sleep? How’s your stress level?

  • We’ll also talk about your family’s health history, looking for patterns that might be important.

  • We’ll talk about your diet and nutrition, identifying any gaps or areas where you might need a little boost.

A Once-Over Check-Up:

  • Some physical examinations may be performed if deemed necessary, from tongue and nail analysis, to blood pressure or body composition. This can help us better understand your current health, identify possible nutritional deficiencies, or monitor your progress.

Testing, If Needed:

  • Based on our chat, we might recommend some lab tests—like blood work, stool testing or urine analysis—to dig deeper into what’s going on.

Your Custom Treatment Plan:

  • We’ll create a comprehensive, personalised treatment plan just for you. This might include dietary changes, herbal remedies, supplements, lifestyle tweaks, and stress management techniques. This will be delivered to you within 24-48h following your appointment. It will outline our short and long term health goals, as discussed in our consult, along with your prescription and educational material.

Keeping in Touch:

  • We’ll set up follow-up appointments to check on your progress, adjust your plan as needed, and support you every step of the way.

This consultation is all about you—addressing your physical, mental, and emotional health to help you feel your best. If you’re ready to get started, book online for an initial consult or schedule a discovery call.

Return Consult

30 minutes


  1. Review of Progress:

    • We’ll ask how you’re doing. This includes discussing any improvements, persistent symptoms, or new issues that have arisen.

  2. Assessment of Treatment Plan:

    • We will review the treatment plan and assess what’s working well and what might need to be adjusted based on your feedback and progress.

    • This is also a good time to ask any questions you may have about your current treatment plan or other health-related topics.

  3. Review of Lab Results (if applicable):

    • If you had any lab tests or diagnostics done between visits, we will review and explain the results to you.

  4. Adjustments to the Treatment Plan:

    • Based on the review and discussion, we may make adjustments to your treatment plan.

    • Together, we’ll set new health goals based on your current progress and any adjustments to the plan.

A return consultation is an essential part of naturopathic care, ensuring that your treatment plan remains effective and tailored to your evolving health needs. It’s also a great opportunity to provide support and encouragement!

Free Discovery Call

15 minutes

A free discovery call is a brief, complimentary phone or video consultation designed to introduce you to the naturopath and their approach to holistic health care. Here's what you can expect during this initial call:

  1. Introduction:

    • You'll have the chance to meet the naturopath, learn about their background, philosophy, and how they approach naturopathic medicine.

    • Ask any questions you have about Naturopathy and how it can help with your health needs.

  2. Discuss Your Health Concerns:

    • You can share your primary health concerns and goals. This is your opportunity to explain what’s been bothering you and what you hope to achieve with naturopathic care.

    • If you decide to proceed, we can help you with the next steps to booking your appointment and starting your health journey.

There is no obligation attached to this call, it’s just an easy way for us to get to know each other and determine whether we’re the right healthcare practitioner for you!

Acute Consult

15 minutes


For existing clients only, conducted over the phone or video call. This is a chance to ask any questions about a current treatment plan, OR address an acute issue that has arisen. If you have any questions about what has been prescribed we are here to help.

Functional Testing

Microbiome testing, hormone testing, blood tests

Function testing is a powerful tool to help us uncover imbalances, deficiencies and dysfunctions that may not be apparent through standard medical testing. Types of functional testing we utilise include:

Metabolic Panel

  • Micronutrient Status

  • Organic Acid Testing

  • Kidney and Liver Function

Hormone Testing

  • Female Hormone Panel

  • Salivary cortisol and adrenal hormone profile

  • Complete Thyroid Panel

Gastrointestinal Function

  • Comprehensive stool analysis

  • SIBO breath test

  • Food sensitivity testing

Detoxification and Environmental Testing

  • Heavy metal profile

  • Environmental toxin testing

Metabolic Reset Program

1x Initial Consultation (3 Week Jump Start Program)

2x Return Consultations

Weekly Check-in


Weight loss, boost metabolism, body reset

Our "Metabolic Reset" package is designed to provide a comprehensive and personalised approach to overhauling your health. Patients who may benefit from this program include:

  • Individuals with excess weight or difficulty losing weight

  • Blood sugar or lipid abnormalities (triglycerides, cholesterol)

  • Fatigued individuals

  • Perimenopausal and menopausal women

  • Men entering andropause

This package includes one initial consultation and two follow-up consultations to identify current health concerns and create a long term plan to optimise health and longevity.

Initial Consultation (3 Week Jump Start Program)

Duration: 60 minutes

Comprehensive Health Assessment:

  • Detailed discussion about your medical history, family history, current health concerns, and lifestyle habits.

  • Review of any previous lab tests or medical records.

3 Week Jump Start Program

  • A detailed plan to kick start your progress with comprehensive diet and lifestyle guidance.

  • A moderate-high protein diet with balanced fat and carbohydrates.

  • A practitioner-formulated supplement to provide quality protein along with vitamins and minerals to support metabolism and energy levels

  • Antioxidant and herbs also assist with detoxification, appetite control and blood sugar management.

  • You’ll receive a detailed patient booklet including meal plans, recipes, FAQs and charts to track your progress.

Additional Areas of Focus:

  • Gut Health: Discussion about digestive symptoms, bowel habits, and diet.

  • Energy and Stress: Assessment of your stress levels, sleep patterns, and daily energy.

  • Healthy Ageing: Evaluation of lifestyle factors affecting ageing and overall vitality.

  • Nutrition: Detailed dietary assessment and identification of nutritional deficiencies.

Initial Testing Recommendations:

  • Recommendations for functional tests (e.g., comprehensive stool analysis, hormone panels, micronutrient testing) to gather more information.

  • Any recent blood work will be interpreted and explained to you as our baseline.

Preliminary Treatment Plan:

  • 3 Week Jump Start Program with dietary guide, lifestyle advice, tracking data, meal plan and recipes.

  • Short-term supplements or herbal remedies to address immediate concerns

Follow Up Consultations (30 minutes x2)

  • After the 3 Week Jump Start Program we will check in on your progress and make plans for long term maintenance.

  • Any pathology or functional testing results will be explained to you and will guide our next steps in treatment.

  • Blood work can be re-tested at the 4-6 month mark as this is when you will notice any significant changes.

Our ultimate goal is to set you up for long term health and longevity!