Holistic Fertility Naturopathy Services at WHealth Naturopathy

Welcome to WHealth Naturopathy. My name is Ashleigh, and as a dedicated fertility naturopath and nutritionist in Melbourne, I’m fully aware of the challenges associated with achieving a healthy pregnancy. My focus is on enhancing your reproductive wellness through a blend of traditional wisdom and contemporary scientific insights.

Your journey begins with a comprehensive assessment – not only does this allow us to get to know each other better, but it gives me an opportunity to understand where you’re at in your pregnancy journey. Given that I take a holistic approach that considers every aspect of your health and lifestyle, in this initial consultation I aim to identify any underlying issues that might be impacting your fertility. This paves the way for a tailored treatment plan that’s unique to you.

Leveraging natural therapies such as dietary adjustments, herbal medicine, and lifestyle modifications, I work closely alongside my clients to address fertility issues at their root. As a highly committed fertility naturopath, you can rest assured my primary goal is to ensure these interventions are not only effective but also align with your body’s unique needs and your personal goals.

Here are some common fertility issues where naturopathy may potentially be able to assist

Hormonal Imbalances

Imbalances in hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can affect ovulation, menstrual cycles, and overall fertility. Naturopathy may utilise herbal supplements, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments to help regulate hormone levels.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a common endocrine disorder that can impede fertility due to irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation. Naturopathic treatment might include nutritional counselling, herbal medicine, and strategies to manage insulin levels and weight.


This condition involves the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, leading to pain and potential fertility issues. Naturopaths might recommend anti-inflammatory diets, supplements to support hormone balance, and therapies to reduce pain and inflammation.

Poor Egg Quality

Factors like age and oxidative stress can affect egg quality. Naturopathic treatments may focus on antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help improve egg health.

Low Sperm Count and Motility

Naturopathy can address male fertility issues through nutritional supplements, dietary changes, and lifestyle interventions that improve sperm health.

Unexplained Infertility

When fertility issues have no identifiable cause, I may simply look at overall health and lifestyle factors that could be influencing reproductive health. This might include stress management, detoxification, and enhancing overall nutritional status.


Stress can significantly impact fertility for both men and women by affecting hormone levels and overall health. My approach to naturopathy may incorporate stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, and counselling.

Thyroid Issues

Both underactive and overactive thyroid can have a profound effect on fertility. Naturopathic approaches might include nutritional support, herbal medicine, and lifestyle changes to help manage thyroid function.

Your trusted Melbourne-based fertility naturopath

Whether it’s men’s health, women’s health, or specific conditions such as digestion or fertility; everything I do centres around an evidence-based approach to holistic naturopathy. I’m vigilant about staying at the forefront of all the latest research and case studies involving fertility and naturopathy, so that I can provide you with the best care possible.

In addition to one-on-one consultations, you’ll have access to workshops and seminars. These sessions are designed to empower you with knowledge about reproductive health, offering insights into how you can further enhance your fertility naturally.

And finally, recognising the value of a multi-disciplinary approach, I’m always more than happy to collaborate with any other healthcare professionals you are consulting. This integrative approach ensures that all aspects of your health are being addressed, which optimises your chances for a successful pregnancy – and at the end of the day, that’s what we’re all striving for.

Begin your fertility journey with WHealth Naturopathy

Embark on a path to parenthood with the compassionate support of WHealth Naturopathy, by booking your initial consultation today. Whether you’re just beginning to plan for a family or you’ve been trying to conceive for a while, I’m here to guide and support you every step of the way. Discover how we can enhance your fertility together, and help bring your dreams of parenthood to life through natural and holistic approaches.